Sterility is very important in a dental office , which is why we ask that only the person interested in the visit enter, without chaperones or in the case of a minor, one of the two parents only on the first visit.
To avoid contamination with bacteria or viruses , we have put in place a very strict control system using disposable materials and tools that are discarded after being used with each patient .
For all other equipment, this rigorous sanitization process is followed:
- Each metal or autoclavable instrument is immersed in disinfectant liquid inside an ultrasound tank to allow the detachment of particles and organic materials not visible to the naked eye.
- At the end of the cycle they are washed manually with a disinfectant solution, carefully dried, packaged with a special thermosealing machine and sterilized in a type B autoclave for 20 minutes at 135°C. In this way, the surgical instruments maintain absolute sterility until the time of use.
- Also all the surfaces of the studio are washed, dried and disinfected with care after each intervention (with hypochlorite , chlorhexidine , phenol and gluteraldehyde at 2%) and this procedure guarantees the elimination of any micro-organism , spore or toxin , even the most ‘ resistant . In addition, the operating personnel are equipped with individual protections and disposable gloves.
- the entire sterilization cycle is verified by means of daily, weekly and monthly biological tests.
In the design of our operating block , the dirty and clean paths assumed particular importance. These paths must be well separated to avoid any mixing and therefore material contamination.
It was therefore chosen that the evacuation of the dirt does not pass through the filter of the operating block but takes place through a direct passage from the sterilization, both to shorten the dirty path and to rationalize the available space as much as possible. The operations performed in sterilization, i.e. washing, packaging and sterilization are never simultaneous, this is to avoid possible overlapping of paths.
At our facility, the sterilization room communicates directly with the operating room through a passage for the evacuation of the drapes. The tools arrive in sub-sterilization through the appropriate window, are immediately treated in the sink located in the cabinet under the window and then washed in the instrument washer built into the counter, finally packaged in sets and inserted into the sterilizer.
After sterilisation, the surgical sets, protected by packaging, can be returned to the room to be stored in specific cabinets.
We are very fond of this protocol that we have developed for our serenity and that of our patients. Particular attention has been paid to implementing every measure necessary to avoid risks and accidents due to electromedical equipment: all our instruments are CE marked and comply with the safety standards of law 626 and directive 93/42.
There is a person responsible for the safety of workers and patients who periodically checks that all the mandatory standards required by the national health service are applied and controlled in accordance with the law.
The electrical system and earthing are adapted to the most recent regulations : checks and inspections are also carried out every two years by a specialized company accredited in the regional register .
The X- ray equipment complies with CE regulations and is checked annually by a qualified expert who checks that it works properly and that there is no radiation dispersion.